Friday, August 7, 2009


Alright, so things are changing quickly around here. The past couple days have been a whirlwind of activity! I finally heard back about the job - I start on Monday! Woohoo!!!! It's full time for 2 weeks... sortof a trial run. Assuming that things are running well by the end of those two weeks, I'll move into a part time position with the intention of moving back into a permanent full time position soon.

On top of all of that, we're also moving tomorrow. It seems like the days have just flown by. I can't believe it's already here, and yet it couldn't have gotten here any faster. Tonight is my last night sleeping on the futon and sharing a bathroom with everyone! Hopefully moving will go without a hitch and I will be well rested and ready to go for Monday. 

Alright, I guess that's all for now. Back to the packing for me. I've been packing non stop for 2 days now and it just keeps going. Oh well. tomorrow is it. :) 

Until Jesus comes or calls.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


So I haven't updated this in a while now. Sorry for the delay. 
Things here are crazy. I am actually up in Indiana now. Living with my brother.... still in the old house. (We move on Saturday and it can't get here soon enough.)
Things here are MUCH different than I expected. Much harder. At first I was wondering if I was cut out to do this. I'm realizing more and more that I am not, but He is. He is the one who enables me with the strength for today and the perseverance for tomorrow. I am continually being refined as He asks me to serve and love in ways that stretch even the core of who I am. I am realizing that it is no longer about me. God has something so much more in mind and I can't wait to see the full glory of it one day. 
I still haven't heard back about the job. I've had 2 phone interviews and an in person interview. All of them led to me thinking that I would be hired quickly. Only to find out the only answer I have is to wait. And continue waiting. I was told I would hear something early tomorrow. Hopefully they will follow through with their word. I think in the midst of it thought, I've seen that God is working. I've been questioning if this is where I need to be and where He wants me to be. I've considered moving back home and just saying that it was not what I was expecting and we were all better of with me elsewhere. But I don't think I could do that to the kids. They've had enough people move out on them that they don't need someone else to say that they are not enough to make one stay. Indeed, they are not, but He in them is. How do you explain to a 4 year old that your agenda is more important than theirs? How can you not love a child that has never had a mother?
Some part of me wonders if the job thing can't come through until I know for certain that this is where I need to be and should be. I'm growing more certain of it every day. Every day I meet new challenges. Where is the line between being a servant and being taken advantage of? And how do you humbly and gracefully stand up for yourself and your beliefs? I'm not sure what the answer is to these things but I know the One who does.  I am finding that around every corner is another reason to cling to Him more. To forget myself, to forget my past, to forget my regrets, and cling wholly and stedfast to the arms of Christ. 

Until Jesus comes or calls.