Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's been too long...

So the last time I posted I was still talking about going to France after the summer. Now.... not so much. God seems to have something slightly closer to home (and much closer to my heart) in mind.
Graduation is just around the corner and while I'm excited and ready for the next chapter, I'm finding each day that I'm not exactly ready to move on either. I am currently still looking for a job up in Ft. Wayne. So far every company is saying the same thing: "you have a great portfolio, but unfortunately we're not hiring right now." So we'll see what happens. I'm looking forward to being home for a bit before I head up there. A little time to be with family, to rest and intently seek God in preparation for moving up there.
Alright, I've got class in 10 min. and I'm still eating lunch. :) I can't wrap my mind around the fact that it's the last day of classes.... weird.

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